
Robots Cleaning Sydney Harbor


In Sydney Harbor, there are many boats. Some robots are helping to clean the harbor and protect the environment.

Reading 閱讀

Sydney Harbor in Australia has many boats. But boats use fuel and can pollute the water.

A company is using robots to clean the boats. The robots remove slime that makes the boats use more fuel.

The robots also help protect the environment. They help reduce pollution and protect marine life.

Vocabulary 字彙

waterways (noun) [plural] /ˈwɔːtərweɪz/ 水道

The city has many canals and waterways.


commercial (adjective) /kəˈmɜːrʃəl/ 商業的

The city has a busy commercial district.


vessels (noun) [plural] /ˈvɛsəlz/ 船隻

Many fishing vessels were in the harbor.


emissions (noun) [plural] /iˈmɪʃənz/ 排放物

The factory reduced its emissions.


commuter (noun) [C] /kəˈmjuːtər/ 通勤者

Many commuters take the train to work.


decade (noun) [C] /ˈdɛkeɪd/ 十年

She has been living in this city for a decade.


startup (noun) [C] /ˈstɑːrtʌp/ 新創公司

The startup is developing new technology.


removes (verb) /rɪˈmuːvz/ 清除

Please remove your shoes before entering.


consumption (noun) [U] /kənˈsʌmpʃən/ 消耗

The consumption of energy has increased.


efficiently (adverb) /ɪˈfɪʃəntli/ 有效率地

The company is working efficiently.


Q&A 問答

Q: What is the problem with boats in Sydney Harbor?

A: Boats use fuel and pollute the water.

Q: What is a PBot?

A: A PBot is a robot that cleans boats.

Q: What are the benefits of using robots to clean boats?

A: Robots help reduce pollution and protect marine life.

Discussion 深論

Q: What are some other ways to reduce pollution from boats?

A: We can use cleaner fuels or electric engines.

Q: How do you think technology can help protect the environment?

A: Technology can help us monitor pollution, clean up the environment, and develop cleaner energy sources.

Q: What can you do to help protect the environment?

A: I can recycle, conserve water, and use less energy.

Conclusion 結論

Robots are being used to clean boats and protect the environment in Sydney Harbor. This shows how technology can be used to address environmental problems. It is important to find ways to reduce pollution and protect our planet.

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