Must-Know English Clothing Vocabulary: Parts of Speech, Examples, Contexts, and Category Guide
想快速掌握英文衣著相關單字嗎? 本文精選31個必學英文衣著單字,詳細列出每個單字的詞性、可數/不可數特性、複數型態、中文意義,並提供實用例句與中文說明。 更貼心依照衣著種類分類,讓您更能靈活運用於日常情境中。 無論您是英文初學者還是想精進英文能力,這份列表都是您學習衣著英文單字的絕佳資源!
詞性說明格式 (Explanation of Parts of Speech)
- (n) 名詞 (Noun), [C] 可數名詞 (Countable noun), [U] 不可數名詞 (Uncountable noun)
- (v) 動詞 (Verb)
- (adj) 形容詞 (Adjective)
- (adv) 副詞 (Adverb)
- (prep) 介系詞 / 介詞 (Preposition)
- (conj) 連接詞 (Conjunction)
- (pron) 代名詞 (Pronoun)
- (det) 限定詞 (Determiner) (例如: a, the, this; e.g., a, the, this)
- (aux) 助動詞 (Auxiliary verb) (例如: be, have, do; e.g., be, have, do)
- (modal) 情態動詞 (Modal verb) (例如: can, should, must; e.g., can, should, must)
Vocabulary 字彙
A. 上衣類 (Tops) (包含襯衫、毛衣、外套等)
shirt (n) [C] shirts 襯衫
例句 (Example): He wore a crisp white shirt to the office. (他穿著一件筆挺的白色襯衫去上班。)
jacket (n) [C] jackets 夾克,外套
例句 (Example): Put on your jacket, it's getting cold outside. (穿上你的夾克,外面開始變冷了。)
coat (n) [C] coats 大衣,外套
例句 (Example): She wore a thick winter coat to brave the snowstorm. (她穿著厚厚的冬大衣來抵禦暴風雪。)
sweater (n) [C] sweaters 毛衣,針織衫
例句 (Example): In the fall, she loves to wear oversized sweaters and leggings. (秋天時,她喜歡穿寬大的毛衣和內搭褲。)
blouse (n) [C] blouses 女用襯衫,罩衫
例句 (Example): She wore a silk blouse and a pencil skirt to the meeting. (她穿著絲質襯衫和鉛筆裙去開會。)
B. 下身類 (Bottoms) (包含褲子、裙子、短褲等)
pants (n) [C] pants 褲子(注意 pants 常用複數形式)
例句 (Example): He wears pants to work every day. (他每天穿褲子上班。)
skirt (n) [C] skirts 裙子
例句 (Example): She loves wearing skirts in the summer. (她喜歡夏天穿裙子。)
shorts (n) [C] shorts 短褲
例句 (Example): It's too hot to wear long pants, I'm going to put on shorts. (穿長褲太熱了,我要換上短褲。)
jeans (n) [C] jeans 牛仔褲
例句 (Example): Jeans are a staple in many people's wardrobes. (牛仔褲是許多人衣櫥裡的必備品。)
leggings (n) [C] leggings 內搭褲,緊身褲
例句 (Example): She always wears leggings to her yoga class. (她總是穿內搭褲去上瑜珈課。)
tights (n) [C] tights 褲襪,緊身褲
例句 (Example): She wore tights under her skirt to keep warm in the winter. (她在裙子裡穿褲襪,在冬天保暖。)
C. 鞋子類 (Shoes) (包含各種鞋款)
shoes (n) [C] shoes 鞋子
例句 (Example): He always takes off his shoes when he enters the house. (他總是進屋時脫掉鞋子。)
sneakers (n) [C] sneakers 運動鞋,球鞋
例句 (Example): She wears sneakers when she goes jogging in the park. (她在公園慢跑時穿運動鞋。)
slippers (n) [C] slippers 拖鞋
例句 (Example): He puts on slippers as soon as he gets home. (他一到家就換上拖鞋。)
boots (n) [C] boots 靴子
例句 (Example): She wore warm boots in the snow. (她在雪地裡穿著保暖的靴子。)
sandals (n) [C] sandals 涼鞋
例句 (Example): She wears sandals in summer to keep her feet cool. (她夏天穿涼鞋讓腳保持涼爽。)
D. 配件類 (Accessories) (包含飾品、包包、帽子、手套、圍巾等)
belt (n) [C] belts 皮帶,腰帶
例句 (Example): He wore a belt to keep his pants from falling down. (他繫皮帶 щоб 防止褲子掉下來。)
watch (n) [C] watches 手錶
例句 (Example): He glanced at his watch to check the time. (他看了看他的手錶 щоб 查看時間。)
gloves (n) [C] gloves 手套
例句 (Example): Wear gloves to keep your hands warm in the cold weather. (戴上手套 保暖雙手,在寒冷的天氣裡。)
hat (n) [C] hats 帽子
例句 (Example): He wore a hat to shield his face from the sun. (他戴帽子 遮擋陽光,保護臉部。)
scarf (n) [C] scarves / scarfs 圍巾,領巾
例句 (Example): She wore a wool scarf to keep warm in winter. (她戴了一條羊毛圍巾在冬天保暖。)
ring (n) [C] rings 指環,戒指
例句 (Example): She received a beautiful diamond ring as an engagement gift. (她收到一枚美麗的鑽石戒指作為訂婚禮物。)
backpack (n) [C] backpacks 背包,行囊
例句 (Example): She carries a heavy backpack to school every day. (她每天背著沉重的背包去學校。)
necklace (n) [C] necklaces 項鍊
例句 (Example): She wore a pearl necklace to the party. (她戴了一條珍珠項鍊去參加派對。)
tie (n) [C] ties 領帶
例句 (Example): He needs to wear a tie for the job interview. (他需要打領帶去參加工作面試。)
E. 特殊衣著 (Special Clothing) (包含制服、雨衣、睡衣、泳衣、內衣褲等)
uniform (n) [C] uniforms 制服,校服
例句 (Example): Students in this school wear a blue and white uniform. (這所學校的學生穿著藍白色的制服。)
raincoat (n) [C] raincoats 雨衣
例句 (Example): Don't forget to bring your raincoat, it might rain later. (別忘了帶上你的雨衣,稍後可能會下雨。)
pajamas (n) [C] pajamas 睡衣
例句 (Example): He puts on his pajamas before going to bed. (他睡覺前穿上睡衣。)
swimsuit (n) [C] swimsuits 泳衣
例句 (Example): She packed her swimsuit for the beach vacation. (她為海灘度假打包了泳衣。)
underwear (n) [C] underwear / underwears 內衣褲
例句 (Example): Underwear is worn under your clothes. (內衣褲是穿在衣服裡面的。)
bra (n) [C] bras / brassieres 胸罩
例句 (Example): A bra is a type of underwear worn by women. (胸罩是女性穿著的一種內衣。)
單字懶人包 (Vocabulary Quick Guide)
快速複習,穿搭不煩惱! (Quick Review, Dress with Ease!) 這份懶人包將所有衣著單字依照種類整理,讓您快速掌握不同種類的英文單字,下次穿搭再也不煩惱! (This quick guide categorizes all clothing vocabulary words by type, allowing you to quickly grasp English words for different clothing categories. No more wardrobe worries!)
- 👚 上衣類 (Tops): shirt (襯衫), jacket (夾克,外套), coat (大衣,外套), sweater (毛衣,針織衫), blouse (女用襯衫,罩衫)
- 👖 下身類 (Bottoms): pants (褲子), jeans (牛仔褲), shorts (短褲), skirt (裙子), leggings (內搭褲,緊身褲), tights (褲襪,緊身褲)
- 👟 鞋子類 (Shoes): shoes (鞋子), sneakers (運動鞋,球鞋), slippers (拖鞋), boots (靴子), sandals (涼鞋)
- 💍 配件類 (Accessories): ring (指環,戒指), necklace (項鍊), belt (皮帶,腰帶), watch (手錶), gloves (手套), hat (帽子), scarf (圍巾), tie (領帶), cap (鴨舌帽,便帽)
- 🩱 特殊衣著 (Special Clothing): uniform (制服,校服), raincoat (雨衣), pajamas (睡衣), swimsuit (泳衣), underwear (內衣褲), bra (胸罩)
Quiz - 牛刀小試 (Quiz - Test Yourself)
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