
Oceans Hidden in Ice Giants


Uranus and Neptune are very cold planets. But they may have oceans deep inside.

Reading 閱讀

Uranus and Neptune are called ice giants. They may have big oceans under their clouds.

An astronomer used a computer to study the planets. He found that each planet may have a deep ocean.

NASA might send a mission to Uranus to see if it has an ocean. This would help us learn more about these planets.

Vocabulary 字彙

ice giants (冰巨星)

Uranus and Neptune are ice giants.


frosty (adjective) /ˈfrɔsti/ 結霜的

The windows were frosty this morning.


astronomer (noun) [C] /əˈstrɑnəmər/ 天文學家

The astronomer studied the stars.


published (verb) /ˈpʌblɪʃt/ 出版

The scientist published her findings.


research (noun) [U] /ˈrisərʧ/ 研究

The students did research on the internet.


simulation (noun) [C] /ˌsɪmjuˈleɪʃən/ 模擬

The pilot used a flight simulation to practice.


revealed (verb) /rɪˈvild/ 揭示

The detective revealed the truth.


outer atmosphere (外大氣層)

The rocket flew through the outer atmosphere.


confirm (verb) /kənˈfɜrm/ 確認

The doctor confirmed the diagnosis.


focus (noun) [C] /ˈfoʊkəs/ 焦點

The focus of the meeting was on safety.


Q&A 問答

Q: What are Uranus and Neptune called?

A: Uranus and Neptune are called ice giants.

Q: What did the astronomer find?

A: The astronomer found that Uranus and Neptune may have oceans.

Q: What might NASA do?

A: NASA might send a mission to Uranus to confirm the presence of the planet’s ocean.

Discussion 深論

Q: What do you know about Uranus and Neptune?

A: I know that Uranus and Neptune are very cold and far away from the sun.

Q: Why do you think it is important to study other planets?

A: I think it is important to study other planets because it helps us learn more about our own planet and the universe.

Q: What other planets would you like to learn more about?

A: I would like to learn more about Mars and Jupiter.

Conclusion 結論

Uranus and Neptune, the ice giants, may have deep oceans beneath their clouds. This discovery could help us understand how our solar system formed. The James Webb Space Telescope will continue to explore the universe and make new discoveries.




Uranus and Neptune


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