The Importance of Handwriting
In today's world, we use computers and phones a lot. But handwriting is still important.
Reading 閱讀
Many people use computers and phones to write. But handwriting is still important.
Experts say handwriting helps children learn and remember things. It also helps them do well in school.
Writing helps children connect letters and sounds. Using a pencil and paper is better than typing on a phone.
Vocabulary 字彙
underestimate (verb) /ˌʌndərˈɛstɪmeɪt/ 低估
We often underestimate the power of practice.
cognitive (adjective) /ˈkɑɡnətɪv/ 認知的
Exercise can improve cognitive function.
retention (noun) [U] /rɪˈtɛnʃən/ 保留
The library has a good book retention policy.
academic (adjective) /ˌækəˈdɛmɪk/ 學術的
She has a strong academic record.
performance (noun) [U] /pərˈfɔrməns/ 表現
The athlete gave a great performance.
published (verb) /ˈpʌblɪʃt/ 出版
The author published a new book.
functional (adjective) /ˈfʌŋkʃənəl/ 功能的
The old car is still functional.
beneficial (adjective) /ˌbɛnəˈfɪʃəl/ 有益的
Exercise is beneficial to your health.
legible (adjective) /ˈlɛdʒəbəl/ 清晰易讀的
Her handwriting is very legible.
professor (noun) [C] /prəˈfɛsər/ 教授
She is a professor of English.
Q&A 問答
Q: What do experts say about handwriting?
A: Experts say handwriting is important for learning, remembering, and doing well in school.
Q: What did the study in the National Library of Medicine find?
A: The study found that handwriting helps children's brains develop.
Q: What does Krista Griffin say about writing?
A: Krista Griffin says writing helps children connect letters and sounds.
Discussion 深論
Q: How often do you practice handwriting?
A: I practice handwriting every day in school. I also like to write in my journal at home.
Q: Do you think handwriting is still important in the digital age? Why or why not?
A: Yes, I think handwriting is still important. It helps us learn and remember things better. It also helps us be more creative.
Q: What are some ways we can encourage children to practice handwriting?
A: We can encourage children to practice handwriting by having them write letters, stories, and lists. We can also make it fun by using different colors and pens.
Conclusion 結論
Handwriting is important for cognitive development, memory retention, and academic performance. Even in the digital age, we should encourage children to practice handwriting.