學英文單字時,運用「觸類旁通」學習法,能幫助我們更有效率地擴展詞彙量,並深入理解單字的各種面向。 本篇文章將以 "Change" (改變) 這個單字為例,示範如何運用觸類旁通,從基本詞性變化、同義詞、反義詞、常用詞組,到單字變化的規則,全方位掌握 "Change" 相關的英文知識。
(1) 基本詞性變化
change / v (change, changed, changed) / 改變,變換
example: The weather is changing rapidly. (天氣正在快速變化。)
change / n [U] / 改變,變化
example: We are witnessing significant change in society. (我們正在目睹社會的重大變革。)
change / n [C] / 零錢
example: Do you have any change for a dollar? (你有零錢可以換一美元嗎?) I received a lot of changes from the vending machine. (我從自動販賣機收到很多零錢。)
changeable / adj / 易變的
example: The weather in this region is very changeable. (這個地區的天氣非常多變。)
unchangeable / adj / 不可改變的,不變的
example: Some fundamental principles are unchangeable. (有些基本原則是不可改變的。)
changed / adj / 改變了的
example: He is a changed man after the accident. (經歷事故後,他變成了一個不一樣的人。)
changing / adj / 正在變的
example: We live in a changing world. (我們生活在一個不斷變化的世界裡。)
(2) 同義詞速查
alter / v (altered) / 修改
example: We need to alter our plans due to the weather. (我們需要因為天氣而修改計畫。)
modify / v (modified) / 調整
example: Please modify the design to meet the new requirements. (請修改設計以符合新的需求。)
transform / v (transformed) / 徹底改變
example: Technology has transformed the way we live. (科技已經徹底改變了我們的生活方式。)
convert / v (converted) / 轉換
example: The old factory was converted into apartments. (舊工廠被改造成公寓。)
vary / v (varied) / 變化
example: Prices vary depending on the season. (價格會因季節而異。)
shift / v (shifted) / 轉移
example: The wind direction shifted suddenly. (風向突然轉變。)
adjust / v (adjusted) / 調整適應
example: You may need to adjust to the new environment. (你可能需要適應新環境。)
evolve / v (evolved) / 進化
example: Species evolve over long periods of time. (物種經過漫長的時間演化。)
develop / v (developed) / 發展
example: The city developed rapidly in the last decade. (這座城市在過去十年中迅速發展。)
(3) 反義詞對照
remain / v (remained) / 保持
example: Despite the challenges, he remained optimistic. (儘管面臨挑戰,他仍然保持樂觀。)
stay / v (stayed) / 停留
example: Please stay calm during the emergency. (緊急情況下請保持冷靜。)
keep / v (kept) / 保持
example: Keep the food in the refrigerator to prevent spoilage. (將食物保存在冰箱中以防止腐敗。)
preserve / v (preserved) / 保存
example: We need to preserve our cultural heritage. (我們需要保護我們的文化遺產。)
maintain / v (maintained) / 維護
example: The building is well maintained. (這棟建築維護得很好。)
stagnate / v (stagnated) / 停滯
example: The economy has stagnated for the past few years. (經濟在過去幾年一直停滯不前。)
(4) 常用詞組快記
make a change / phr / 做出改變
example: I decided to make a change in my lifestyle. (我決定改變我的生活方式。)
undergo change phr / 經歷改變
example: The company is undergoing significant changes. (公司正在經歷重大變革。)
for a change phr / 換口味
example: For a change, let's eat Italian tonight. (換口味,我們今晚吃義大利菜吧。)
change of pace / n phr / 換步調
example: Vacation: change of pace. (度假:換個步調。)
climate change / n phr / 氣候變遷
example: Climate change: global issue. (氣候變遷:全球議題。)
social change / n phr / 社會變革
example: Social change: complex. (社會變革:複雜的。)
cultural change / n phr / 文化變遷
example: Cultural change: globalization impact. (文化變遷:全球化影響。)
change your mind / phr / 改變主意
example: Change your mind? (你改變主意了嗎?)
change subject / phr / 換話題
example: Change subject, depressing! (換話題,太沮喪了!)
change clothes / phr / 換衣服
example: Change clothes before go. (出門前換衣服。)
(5) 簡化規則:字尾字首
-able: 動詞 + -able = 形容詞 (可...的)
example: change (v) + -able = changeable (adj)
-ed: 動詞 -ed = 形容詞 (已...的)
example: change (v) -> changed (adj)
-ing: 動詞 -ing = 形容詞 (正在...)
example: change (v) -> changing (adj)
un-: un- + 形容詞 = 反義形容詞
example: changeable (adj) + un- = unchangeable (adj)
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