Asteroid May Come Close to Earth
Scientists are watching an asteroid that may come close to Earth in 2032.
Reading 閱讀
Scientists are watching a big asteroid. It might come close to Earth in 2032.
There is a small chance it could hit Earth. But scientists say it probably won't.
Scientists are using telescopes to learn more about the asteroid.
If the asteroid is going to hit Earth, scientists might try to change its path.
Vocabulary 字彙
asteroid (noun) [C] /ˈæstərɔɪd/ 小行星
Asteroids are rocky objects that orbit the sun.
discovered (verb) /dɪˈskʌvərd/ 發現
The scientist discovered a new planet.
estimated (verb) /ˈɛstɪmeɪtɪd/ 估計
The teacher estimated that there were 30 students in the class.
老師估計班上有 30 個學生。
chance (noun) [C/U] /ʧæns/ 機會
There is a chance of rain today.
planet (noun) [C] /ˈplænɪt/ 行星
Earth is a planet.
predictions (noun) [plural] /prɪˈdɪkʃənz/ 預測
The weather forecast makes predictions about the weather.
probability (noun) [C/U] /ˌprɑːbəˈbɪlɪti/ 可能性
There is a high probability that the sun will rise tomorrow.
collide (verb) /kəˈlaɪd/ 碰撞
The two cars collided.
data (noun) [U] /ˈdeɪtə/ 數據
The scientists collected data on the animals.
deflection (noun) [U] /dɪˈflɛkʃən/ 偏轉
The goalie made a great deflection to save the goal.
Q&A 問答
Q: What is the name of the asteroid that scientists are watching?
A: The name of the asteroid is 2024 YR4.
Q: When might the asteroid come close to Earth?
A: The asteroid might come close to Earth in 2032.
Q: What are scientists doing to learn more about the asteroid?
A: Scientists are using telescopes to learn more about the asteroid.
Discussion 深論
Q: What do you think would happen if an asteroid hit Earth?
A: I think it would cause a lot of damage and maybe even change the climate.
Q: Do you think we should be worried about asteroids hitting Earth?
A: I think we should be aware of the possibility, but we shouldn't worry too much because scientists are working to protect us.
Q: What do you think about space exploration?
A: I think space exploration is important because it helps us learn more about the universe and our place in it.
Conclusion 結論
Scientists are keeping a close eye on asteroid 2024 YR4, which has a small chance of hitting Earth in 2032. While the probability is low, it's important to continue observing and tracking its path. Thankfully, scientists have developed ways to potentially deflect asteroids if needed, showing how we can use our knowledge to protect our planet.