Moving to the City Tokyo
Many people in Japan are moving to Tokyo. It's a big city with many jobs and schools.
Reading 閱讀
More and more people are moving to Tokyo, the capital of Japan.
In 2024, almost 80,000 people moved to Tokyo from other parts of Japan.
Many young people move to Tokyo for work or school.
Some older people move back to their hometowns or quieter places.
Other big cities in Japan, like Nagoya and Osaka, also saw changes in their population.
Vocabulary 字彙
countryside (noun) [U] /ˈkʌntrisaɪd/ 鄉村
The countryside is very peaceful and quiet.
capital (noun) [C] /ˈkæpɪtəl/ 首都
Tokyo is the capital of Japan.
report (noun) [C] /rɪˈpɔːrt/ 報告
The teacher asked us to write a report on the book.
ministry (noun) [C] /ˈmɪnɪstri/ 部
The Ministry of Education is responsible for schools.
communications (noun) [plural] /kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃənz/ 通訊
The internet is an important tool for communications.
nearly (adverb) /ˈnɪrli/ 幾乎
It's nearly time for dinner.
significant (adjective) /sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt/ 重大的
There has been a significant improvement in her health.
pandemic (noun) [C] /pænˈdɛmɪk/ 大流行病
The COVID-19 pandemic affected the whole world.
COVID-19 大流行影響了全世界。
experienced (verb) /ɪkˈspɪriənst/ 經歷
He experienced a lot of difficulties in his life.
abroad (adverb) /əˈbrɔːd/ 在國外
She studied abroad for a year.
Q&A 問答
Q: Why are many people moving to Tokyo?
A: Many people are moving to Tokyo for work or school.
Q: What happened to the population of Nagoya in 2024?
A: More people left Nagoya in 2024 than in 2023.
Q: How many people moved to Japan from other countries in 2024?
A: 735,883 people moved to Japan from other countries in 2024.
Discussion 深論
Q: Why do you think young people move to big cities?
A: I think young people move to big cities for more job opportunities and exciting lifestyles.
Q: What are some advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city?
A: Advantages are more jobs and things to do. Disadvantages are higher costs and crowds.
Q: Would you prefer to live in a big city or a small town? Why?
A: I prefer a big city because I like having many things to do and see.
Conclusion 結論
Many people are moving to Japan's big cities, especially Tokyo. Young people often move for work or school. Big cities offer more opportunities, but also have higher costs and more people.
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