文法小教室 : (Level Two)神奇的 5W1H 疑問詞!

英文探險記:神奇的 5W1H 疑問詞!

英文探險記:神奇的 5W1H 疑問詞!

今天要來認識 Wh- questions 裡的超級英雄:5W1H 疑問詞!它們就像神奇寶貝一樣,每個都有不同的能力喔!


Who (誰)

就像猜猜我是誰的遊戲,"who" 可以找出句子中的「人」,像是你的朋友、爸爸媽媽、老師,或是故事裡的主角!

例句: Who is your best friend? (誰是你最好的朋友?)

情境: "Hmm... who is that playing in the garden? Oh, it's my puppy, Max!" (嗯...誰在花園裡玩?喔,是我的狗狗 Max!)

What (什麼)

"what" 就像神奇的探測器,可以找出句子裡的「東西」或「事情」,像是你喜歡的玩具、好吃的食物,或是今天發生的事情。

例句: What is your favorite animal? (你最喜歡的動物是什麼?)

情境: "Wow! What a big ice cream cone! I want to eat it all!" (哇!好大的冰淇淋!我想要全部吃掉!)

Where (哪裡)

"where" 可以帶我們到不同的地方,像是學校、公園、動物園,或是你住的城市!

例句: Where is your school? (你的學校在哪裡?)

情境: "Where is my teddy bear? I can't find it! Oh, there it is, under the bed!" (我的泰迪熊在哪裡?我找不到它了!喔,在那裡,在床底下!)

When (何時)

"when" 就像時光機,可以帶我們回到過去或去到未來,像是你的生日、聖誕節,或是明天的早餐時間!

例句: When is your birthday? (你的生日是什麼時候?)

Scenario: "When can we go to the playground? I want to go now!" (我們什麼時候可以去遊樂場?我現在就想去了!)

Why (為什麼)

"why" 就像好奇寶寶,總是問「為什麼」,想知道事情的原因,像是為什麼要上學、為什麼要吃蔬菜,或是為什麼天空是藍色的。

例句: Why do you like to play games? (你為什麼喜歡玩遊戲?)

情境: "Why is it raining today? I wanted to go outside and play!" (為什麼今天下雨?我想要出去玩!)

How (如何)

"how" 就像小老師,會教你怎麼做事情,像是怎麼畫畫、怎麼唱歌,或是怎麼拼樂高!

例句: How do you say "hello" in Chinese? (中文的「你好」怎麼說?)

情境: "How do I build a tall tower with these blocks? I need to be careful!" (我要怎麼用這些積木蓋一座高塔?我必須要小心!)

5W1H: 生活中的超級任務!


"Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. Who is Lily? She lived in a small village. Where is the village? One day, she found a magic key. What is the magic key for?..." (很久很久以前,有一個小女孩叫 Lily。Lily 是誰?她住在一座小村莊裡。村莊在哪裡?有一天,她找到一把神奇的鑰匙。神奇的鑰匙是用來做什麼的?...)


"Today, I went to the zoo with my family. When did I go to the zoo? We saw many animals, like lions, elephants, and monkeys. What animals did I see? It was a fun day!" (今天,我和家人去了動物園。我什麼時候去動物園的?我們看到了很多動物,像是獅子、大象和猴子。我看到了哪些動物?今天真是開心的一天!)

5W1H: 英文小挑戰!

試著用 5W1H 來造句和說故事吧!


  • What: What is your favorite toy? My favorite toy is a robot. (我最喜歡的玩具是機器人。)
  • Why: Why do you like it? I like it because it can walk and talk. (我喜歡它因為它會走路和說話。)
  • Who: Who gave it to you? My grandpa gave it to me for my birthday. (我爺爺在我生日的時候送給我的。)
  • Where: Where do you usually play with it? I usually play with it in my room. (我通常在我的房間玩它。)
  • When: When do you play with it? I play with it every day after school. (我每天放學後都玩它。)
  • How: How do you play with it? I can make it dance and sing by pressing the buttons. (我可以按按鈕讓它跳舞和唱歌。)
  • 說說你上個週末做了什麼。

  • When: When did you go to the park? Last weekend, I went to the park with my family. (上個週末,我和家人去了公園。)
  • Who: Who did you go with? I went with my mom, dad, and little sister. (我和爸爸媽媽還有妹妹一起去的。)
  • Where: Where did you go? We went to the park near our house. (我們去了家裡附近的公園。)
  • What: What did you do at the park? We had a picnic and played on the swings. (我們野餐和玩鞦韆。)
  • Why: Why did you go to the park? It was a sunny day and we wanted to enjoy the nice weather. (那天天氣很好,我們想要享受好天氣。)
  • How: How was your time at the park? We had so much fun running around and playing together. (我們到處跑來跑去玩得很開心。)
  • 說說你夢想中的學校是什麼樣子。

  • What: What does your dream school have? My dream school has a big swimming pool and a chocolate fountain. (我夢想中的學校有一個很大的游泳池和巧克力噴泉。)
  • Where: Where is it located? It's located on a beautiful island with a beach. (它位於一個有沙灘的美麗島嶼上。)
  • Who: Who is in your dream school? Friendly teachers and classmates are there. (那裡有友善的老師和同學。)
  • Why: Why do you want to go to this school? I want to go to this school because it sounds like a lot of fun. (我想要去這間學校因為聽起來很好玩。)
  • When: When can you go there? I can go there every day and learn new things. (我可以每天去那裡學習新事物。)
  • How: How do you learn in your dream school? We can learn by playing games and going on adventures. (我們可以透過玩遊戲和去冒險來學習。)
  • Kids Celebrating


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