
Big Forest Fire in Japan


Vocabulary 字彙

forest fire (noun) [C] /ˈfɔːrɪst faɪər/ 森林大火

Forest fires can be very dangerous.


burned (verb) /bɜːrnd/ 燃燒

The fire burned many trees.


houses (noun) [plural] /ˈhaʊzɪz/ 房屋

The fire damaged many houses.


leave (verb) /liːv/ 離開

People had to leave their homes.


homes (noun) [plural] /hoʊmz/ 家園

Many people lost their homes.


shelters (noun) [plural] /ˈʃɛltərz/ 避難所

People are staying in shelters.


firefighters (noun) [plural] /ˈfaɪərfaɪtərz/ 消防員

Firefighters are putting out the fire.


helicopters (noun) [plural] /ˈhɛlɪkɒptərz/ 直升機

Helicopters are dropping water.


dry (adjective) /draɪ/ 乾燥

The weather is very dry.


winds (noun) [plural] /wɪndz/ 風

Strong winds spread the fire.



A big forest fire in Japan has burned many trees and houses. People had to leave their homes. This is the biggest fire the region has seen in decades, causing widespread concern.

Reading 閱讀

There is a big forest fire in Japan. It has burned many trees and houses, destroying entire neighborhoods.

Many people had to leave their homes. They are staying in shelters, receiving aid from local volunteers.

Firefighters are working hard to put out the fire. They are using helicopters to drop water from nearby lakes and rivers.

The weather has been very dry with strong winds, making the fire spread quickly and uncontrollably.

The fire is the biggest in Japan for many years, impacting the local ecosystem and community.

Q&A 問答

Q: Where is the forest fire in Japan and how did it start?

A: The forest fire is in Ofunato, on the northeastern coast of Japan. The exact cause is still under investigation, but dry weather conditions contributed to its rapid spread.

Q: How big is the fire and what impact has it had on the community?

A: The fire has burned 2,100 hectares of forest, damaged homes, and forced residents to evacuate, causing significant disruption and distress.

Q: What measures are being taken to fight the fire and support the affected residents?

A: Firefighters are using ground and air support, and local shelters have been set up to house those evacuated. Government agencies are also providing aid.

Discussion 深論

Q: What are the long-term environmental impacts of such a large forest fire?

A: Long-term impacts include loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, and increased carbon emissions.

Q: How can communities better prepare for and respond to natural disasters like forest fires?

A: Communities can invest in early warning systems, fire prevention education, and emergency response training.

Q: What can individuals do to help prevent forest fires and support affected communities?

A: Individuals can be cautious with fire, volunteer during relief efforts, and donate to support recovery.

Conclusion 結論

A large forest fire in Japan has caused significant damage, forcing evacuations and destroying homes. The dry weather has contributed to the fire’s spread. Despite the challenges, firefighters are working tirelessly to contain the blaze, and communities are coming together to support those affected. Prevention and preparedness remain crucial for minimizing future impact.






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